Myriam Capone
Vulnerability and ageing of the immune system
About Myriam Capone
Research worker at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CR1).
In charge of the PCRq’UB platforme related to the UMS (Unité Mixte de Services) TransBio-Med
In charge of coordinating mice projects in the lab.
My research / PhD / Post-doc / projects
My research/PhD/Post-doc/ projects :
Cytomegaloviruses are species specific and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is unable to establish a productive infection in mice. Yet murine CMV (MCMV) share many biological properties with HCMV making MCMV infection of mice a widely used model for spatial and temporal analysis of CMV pathogenesis and antiviral immunity. We take advantage of this model and use immune deficient mice to decipher gd T cell anti-CMV immunity and test the role of important components of the immune system in gd-T cell mediated host protection.