Maria Mamani

Maria Mamani-Matsuda

PR - Univ. Bordeaux

Developpement durable, Vulnerability and ageing of the immune system

About Maria Mamani-Matsuda

ORCID id : 0000-0002-9616-3095

I am a researcher of the Déchanet-Appay’s team, interested in immune response to infections. I am also Professor of Immunology in the faculty of Pharmacy, University of Bordeaux.

My research / PhD / Post-doc / projects

The main core of my work has been focused on immune response to infections: macrophage response to parasites such as Trypanosoma, Leishmania, or Toxoplasma. My past projects explored the cytotoxic and antigen presenting cell role of gamma-delta T cells upon Plasmodium falciparum infection.
Currently, together with Drs Julien Goret and Antoine Dewitte, we study innate immunity aspects of Sepsis: clearance of NETs, monocyte dysregulation, platelet activation, gamma-delta T cells roles in early sepsis. We also investigate whether sepsis could be a factor of advanced immune ageing, in collaboration with Pr. Didier Gruson and Dr Vivien Guillotin (ICU CHU Pellegrin).


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