Jan Pieter Konsman


Conceptual Biology & Medicine

About Jan Pieter Konsman

CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) researcher in the “Conceptual Biology & Medicine” group of the UMR CNRS 5164 (ImmunoConcEpT) at the University of Bordeaux.

I am a neuroimmunologist with a Master’s degree in history and philosophy of science. My experimental research has focused on physiology, behavior and immune-to-brain signaling during inflammation and cancer. This has spurred a ‘philosophy in science’ interest in how concepts, such as homeostasis and stress, are used in biomedical research.

Link to my CV.

My research / PhD / Post-doc / projects

I am interested in studying how the immune and nervous systems interact to contribute to organism integrity using an interdisciplinary approach (involving the life sciences, psychology and the humanities).


Other professionnal networks

I am involved in various collaborations and networks in Europe and around the world (European Psychoneuroimmunology Network (EPN), University of Cincinnati (USA)).

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