Fridolin Gross

Fridolin Gross

MCU - Univ. Bordeaux

Conceptual Biology & Medicine, Developpement durable

About Fridolin Gross

I am maître de conférences (associate professor) of philosophy of medical science at the University of Bordeaux. I have a dual background in science and philosophy, and I have previously worked in various areas of the life sciences (such as immunology, oncology and neuroscience) and as a university lecturer in theoretical philosophy.

My research / PhD / Post-doc / projects

My main interest is the impact of computational methods in contemporary biomedical science. I aim to understand and address the challenges of integrating these methods into different areas of research and practice by providing a conceptual framework based on philosophical analysis. My project will be carried out in close collaboration with scientists and medical practitioners at ImmunoConcEpT and beyond.


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