Coline Gentil

Coline Gentil

IE- Univ. Bordeaux

Vulnerability and ageing of the immune system

About Coline Gentil

ORCID id : 0000-0002-0754-5420

I am a young scientist just relocating in Bordeaux after 10+ years abroad. Graduated from the European Magistere of Genetics at Paris Denis Diderot University in 2011, I finally decided to undertake a PhD over 5 years after my Masters graduation. It was achieved under the supervision of Pr. Bo Porse at the University of Copenhagen. My interest for the hematopoietic system on the myeloid side grew and lead to investigation of the lymphoid and immunologic aspect of it, leading to my current position at Immunoconcept.

My research / PhD / Post-doc / projects

Project: Developing cell therapies to treat Glioblastoma in patients using unconventional gamma-delta T cells.


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