
Clara Toussaint

PhD student - Univ. Bordeaux

Conceptual Biology & Medicine

About Clara Toussaint

I am a PhD student in Bioinformatics. I work on an interdisciplinary PhD with Mael Lemoine at ImmunoConcept (a Philosopher in Science) and Vincent Planche at Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives (a Neurologist) on Alzheimer Disease. I did a bachelor’s degree in life sciences at Sorbonne University then a master’s degree in computational biology and biostatistics at Paris-Saclay University.

My research / PhD / Post-doc / projects

The subject of my PhD is about Alzheimer’s disease.
We ask ourselves : Is Alzheimer’s disease unique to humans?
In order to answer these questions we will analyze data proteomics (NHP data) through the prism of the evolution of human aging.
First we are going to do a review on AD in the primate then analyze those data.


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