
Cécile Bordes

MCU-PH - Univ. Bordeaux

Origins and pathogenesis of Autoimmune and Inflammatory disorders

About Cécile Bordes

I am an Immunologist who works both at the ImmunoConcEpT lab and the hospital immunology department where I head the auto-immunity routine lab. This allows me to do translational research in the field of systemic auto-immunity, from key medical questions to in deep analysis of pathophysiological processes. I also teach immunology for medical and master degree students.

My research / PhD / Post-doc / projects

I am working on the pathophysiology of scleroderma, also called systemic sclerosis. Systemic sclerosis is a rare auto-immune connective tissue disease. The pathophysiology of SSc associates a complex network of interactions between microvascular endothelial cells dysfunctions, autoimmune processes and chronic activation of fibroblasts. One of the main clinical characteristic of systemic sclerosis patients is the fibrosis that alters dramatically the health and quality of life of patients. To date, there is not curative treatment of systemic sclerosis, in particular for fibrosis.

The project I work on aims to investigate both direct and indirect effects of endothelial cells on the fibrotic process through the modulation of the cutaneous immune response such as monocytes or innate lymphoid cells.

Our research project has shed light on new pathophysiological loops at work in systemic sclerosis that could be a potential target for treatment. This has led to a patent for treatment of early forms of systemic sclerosis before the fibrosis.

Other informations: I am member of:

Société Française d’Immunologie (SFI)

Groupe Francophone de Recherche sur la Sclérodermie (GFRS)

Collège des enseignants en immunologie (ASSIM)


Other professionnal networks

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